Coming together on the basis of similarities and growing from differences

“”The department and team development was not only an opportunity for me to strengthen my team, but also a profound personal learning process. I understood how important it is to motivate people to voluntarily break new ground by recognizing the purpose and their own motivation for change. It became clear to me that it is crucial to provide the space in which such insights can emerge. This approach has shown me how to effectively engage people in change and has significantly increased the effectiveness of my leadership.”

Head of department in a public authority

The Challenge

Team development is a significant challenge for managers, as they not only have to improve team dynamics, but also take individual strengths and weaknesses into account.

Successful team development requires managers to be able to create an environment in which communication, trust and cooperation are encouraged.
At the same time, it is important to resolve conflicts constructively and set clear goals in order to motivate team members and work together towards the overarching objectives.

The Possibility

An external consultant can often work more effectively with a team than the manager themselves because they bring a neutral and objective perspective.

He/she is not involved in the existing internal dynamics or personal relationships and can therefore recognize and tackle conflicts and challenges without distortion.

This independence enables him/her to work specifically on weak points and propose innovative solutions that may not be visible or feasible within the team.

The first step

The quickest way to find out whether team development is an option for you and your team?

A introductory meeting of 90 minutes!

Simply write to!

We will get back to you as soon as possible!

“As a younger manager in a team with older employees and the baggage of outdated routines and dissatisfaction from my predecessor, I faced major challenges. Working with Dr. Becker helped me to find my own point of view, establish myself in the team and gain recognition. Today, we work together more constructively, the sickness rate has been reduced and the improved mood means that we all enjoy coming to work again.”

Team leader in a city administration

There are many reasons for team development and they often occur when changes or challenges arise in the team or organization.
The most common occasions include

  • Changes in team composition: new team members join, managers change or the team is restructured.
    Team development helps to clarify new roles and responsibilities and strengthen trust within the team.

  • Conflicts or tensions in the team: If there are differences of opinion, disagreements or communication problems, team development can help to resolve conflicts and restore constructive cooperation.

  • Change processes in the organization: In the event of company mergers, takeovers or major strategic changes (e.g. digital transformation), team development makes sense in order to prepare the teams for the new requirements and to strengthen them in dealing with uncertainties.

  • Slumps in performance or motivation problems: If the team’s performance drops or motivation wanes, team development can help to redefine goals and improve collaboration.

  • New strategic direction or targets: If the company’s priorities change or the team is faced with new challenges, team development provides support in working out common goals and developing strategies to achieve them.

  • Improving communication and cooperation: Team development can also be used preventively to optimize cooperation and communication within the team and increase efficiency.

  • Promoting innovation and creativity: In order to strengthen creative processes in the team and promote new approaches, team development can offer inspiring methods and tools for finding ideas and solving problems.

Team development therefore helps with both acute challenges and the continuous optimization of collaboration.

“The decision to join Team Development was the best one I have ever made. Even though it was a challenge at first to invest regular time each quarter, the time has more than paid off. We went from a group of individuals who happened to work together to a real team with a clear direction and understanding of roles. A whole new sense of connectedness has emerged and the team is now more valued within the organization because we ourselves know exactly what service we provide to others. This investment has absolutely paid off.”

Head of unit at a municipal institution

Initial meeting
Every team development begins with an initial meeting lasting 60 to 90 minutes to get to know each other, agree expectations and define the overarching goals of the team development.

Clarification of mission and objectives
Once the decision has been made to implement the team development program, a comprehensive needs analysis and clarification of objectives is carried out in close cooperation with the manager and the team.
We analyze the current situation in the team, take past developments and current challenges into account and formulate clear goals for the future.
From this, specific development needs and goals are derived, which serve as the starting point for team development.

Team development process
We design an individually tailored team development program based on the needs analysis and the defined goals.
We use a variety of methods and techniques to initiate and support the desired changes in the team in a targeted manner.
We attach particular importance to ensuring that the program is practical and feasible in order to improve cooperation in the long term.

Evaluation and follow-up
At the end of the program, we evaluate the progress and results achieved together with the manager and the team.
We then discuss specific measures to secure the successes in the long term and ensure that they are transferred to everyday working life.
Possible next steps are also worked out together.

The model of the 7 essential elements according to Trigon as a systemic map in the counseling process.

The 7 basic processes of team and organizational development according to Trigon.

The hypnosystemic approach according to Dr. Gunther Schmidt combines systemic perspectives with targeted interventions to incorporate the unconscious and involuntary with the aim of providing highly effective advice.

In the systemic view, people are seen as part of a larger system in which problems arise and are maintained by recurring patterns and relationships.
The hypnotherapeutic perspective according to Milton Erickson focuses on the use of unconscious processes to initiate change.

Hypnosystemics combines both approaches and enables in-depth work with inner parts, patterns and resources.
For example, the “inner bastard” is not fought against, but brought on board by appreciating its function and message.

Where appropriate, hypnosystemic counseling works with social-artistic methods that enable clients to access new, creative solutions.
Metaphors and stories also play an important role in making complex inner processes more accessible.

In addition, concepts such as “parts work” and working with the “inner team” are used to integrate ambivalences – in other words, to recognize the different inner parts of a person and integrate them into the change process in an appreciative manner.
This involves working with patterns on various levels, from neuronal connections to thought and behavior patterns to physical processes.

Steve de Shazer’s solution-oriented consulting also forms an important basis by focusing on solutions and what is already working well.

“Working with Dr. Becker was like on-the-job training in systemic work.
In addition to the practical work, I learned important basic theoretical concepts on the subject of “shaping change”, which will strengthen my management practice in the long term.”

Head of department in a municipal association in North Rhine-Westphalia

in(ner)sync Partners

In collaboration with in(ner)sync, Linguistische Unternehmensberatung Mannheim and Diversity Company, we intentionally integrate language awareness and the latest research on diversity in teams into our leadership consulting. This cooperation enables us to comprehensively prepare leaders for the challenges and opportunities of a diverse working environment, providing them with practical strategies for inclusive and respectful communication.